To register as a member of this Forum you must already be a FULL MEMBER of the Amazon Celt clan in Second Life.
If you are a Visitor or a Recruit applicant, you will only view the public pages of forum. As Intiate you are not a full member yet and will be given limited access to this forum until Rank and Title is given in Amazon Celt group.
As a full member:
1. Register your full second life name. First and Last name.
Example: Elektra Fride
2. Enter your email address you wish to use in the forum.
3. Enter your secure password.
4. Re-enter for security as instructed.
5. Fill out the quick profile.
6. Click save
You will Recieve your confirmation of acceptance in the email you submitted. Keep this confirmation email for your records as it contains your password for this account.
(confirmation may take up to 24 hrs or more)